const util = require('../../../utils/util.js'); const app = getApp(); import { radar } from '../../../components/radar/radar'; Page({ radar, data: { datas:{}, current:0, radarData:[], load:false, user:[], userData:{}, currentPages:0, noData:false, noChildData:false, onshow:false, cardNo:'', cardType:'', avatar:'', name:'', npsOptons: {}, npsStatus: false,//nps组件是否显示 isGet: true, pageIndex:1, pageSize: 20, isLoadMore: true, showPoter:false, posterInfo:{} }, onShow:function(){ let currentPages = getCurrentPages().length; if(!{ this.setData({current:0}) let that = this,rid =; if (currentPages == 1){ // var getLocation = util.promise(); // getLocation.then(function(value) { that.getUser(); that.setData({currentPages}); // }, function(error) { // }); }else{ that.getUser(); } } if ( { this.nps(); } }, bindchange(e){ let index= e.currentTarget.dataset.index,current=e.detail.current;[index].currentInx=current+1; this.setData({}) }, showPoster(e){ let data =e.currentTarget.dataset.item; wx.reportAnalytics('show_poster', { aid: data.aid, title: data.atitle, });[].name; // this.setData({ // showPoter:true, // posterInfo:data // }) let urlData=[]; urlData.push('aid='+data.aid) urlData.push('atitle='+data.atitle) urlData.push('ChildName='+data.ChildName) urlData.push('id=' if (!util.isEmpty(data.picWidthHeight)) { urlData.push('picWidthHeight='+data.picWidthHeight) } if (>0) { urlData.push('pic='[0]) } wx.navigateTo({ // url: '/components/poster/poster?aid='+data.aid+'&atitle='+data.atitle+'&ChildName='+data.ChildName+'&id=''&picWidthHeight='+data.picWidthHeight+'&pic='[0], url:'/components/poster/poster?'+urlData.join('&') }) }, closePoster(e){ this.setData({showPoter:false}) }, nps() { let that = this, npsData = wx.getStorageSync("nps"); if (npsData.num < util.config.npsNum || util.isObjEmpty(npsData)) { util.ajax({ func: "v2/order/reviews/one", }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0 && !util.isObjEmpty( { that.setData({ npsOptons:, npsStatus: true }); npsData.num += 1; wx.setStorageSync("nps", npsData) } }) } }, selectImage(e) { this.setData({ isGet: e.detail.isGet }); }, close(e) {//关闭nps this.setData({ npsStatus: false }); }, // 查看图片 showImg(e){ let data = e.currentTarget.dataset; wx.previewImage({ current: data.url, urls: data.item }) }, getUser(){ let that = this; util.ajax({ func:"user/childs" },function(res){ if(res.code == 0){ that.setData({ user: || [], onshow:true}); that.userData(); }else util.showTips(res.reason); }) }, userData(aload){ let that = this, user =; if (user.length <= 0){ that.setData({ noData: true }); return false; } util.ajax({ func:"v2/child/activity/list", data: { "cardNo": user[].cardNo, "cardType": user[].cardType, "pageIndex":, "pageSize":}, load: aload },function(res){ if (>0) { => { if (>0) { util.getImageInfo([0]).then(res=>{ el.picWidthHeight=res; }) } }); } let newData = || [], isLoadMore = true, datas = !aload ? newData : [, ...newData]; if (newData.length < && datas.length > { isLoadMore = false; } if(datas && datas.length > 0){ let tempIndex = false; for(let i in datas){ if (datas[i].status != 1 || (datas[i].status == 1 && util.isEmpty(datas[i].comment))){ datas[i].isDisplay = true; datas[i].link = false; }else{ datas[i].isDisplay = false; datas[i].link = true; } if (tempIndex == false && datas[i].status == 1 && !util.isEmpty(datas[i].comment)){ datas[i].isDisplay = true; tempIndex = true; } datas[i].canvasId = 'radarCanvas' + i; } } var noChildData = false; if(util.isObjEmpty(datas)){ noChildData = true } let timer =setTimeout(() => { that.setData({ datas, noChildData, isLoadMore, load:true}); clearTimeout(timer) }, 200); that.Canvas(); wx.hideLoading(); }) }, choose(e){ this.setData({ current: e.detail, pageIndex: 1, isLoadMore:true}); this.userData(); }, Canvas(){ let datas =; if(datas && datas.length > 0){ for (let i in datas){ if (datas[i].scores && datas[i].scores.length > 0){ this.radar.draw(datas[i].scores, datas[i].canvasId, datas[i].grades); } } } }, onPullDownRefresh() { var self = this; wx.showNavigationBarLoading(); setTimeout(function () { self.setData({ pageIndex: 1 }); self.userData(false); wx.hideNavigationBarLoading(); wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); }, 1000); }, onReachBottom() { var self = this; if ( == false) return false; setTimeout(function () { self.setData({ pageIndex: + 1 }); self.userData(true); }, 1000); }, details(e){ var i = parseInt(e.currentTarget.dataset.i), pics =[e.currentTarget.dataset.index].pics; wx.previewImage({ current: pics[i], // 当前显示图片的http链接 urls: pics // 需要预览的图片http链接列表 }); }, copy(e){ let index=e.currentTarget.dataset.index,; wx.setClipboardData({ data: activitys[index].comment, success: function(res) { util.showTips('复制成功'); } }) }, onShareAppMessage() { return { title: '儿童参加活动的成长记录', path: '/pages/account/record/record' } } })