// pages/public/cashCoupon/index.js const util = require('../../../utils/util.js'); const app = getApp(); Page({ data: { getSuccess: -1, getImgUrl: '', channelId: '', failContent: '' }, onLoad(options) { }, onShow() { let pages = getCurrentPages(); let currentPages = pages[pages.length - 1]; let options = currentPages.options; console.log(options) if (app.globalData.userInfo) { // 微信分享链接进入 if (!util.isEmpty(options.channel)) { this.setData({ channelId: options.channel }) } // 小程序码进入 eg:channel%3D14 if (!util.isEmpty(options.scene)) { let scene = decodeURIComponent(options.scene).split('='); if (scene[0] == 'channel') { this.setData({ channelId: scene[1] }) } } this.getVoucher() } else { // 静默登录 let that = this util.silentLogin().then(res => { // 微信分享链接进入 if (!util.isEmpty(options.channel)) { that.setData({ channelId: options.channel }) } // 小程序码进入 eg:channel%3D14 if (!util.isEmpty(options.scene)) { let scene = decodeURIComponent(options.scene).split('='); if (scene[0] == 'channel') { that.setData({ channelId: scene[1] }) } } that.getVoucher() }) } }, // 领取现金券 getVoucher() { let that = this; util.ajax({ func: "voucher/new_user/receive", data: { channelId: this.data.channelId, type: 'wxNewUser', phone: app.globalData.userInfo.phoneNum } }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0) { that.setData({ getImgUrl: 'https://img.bbztx.com/image_test/upload/thumbs/20220930/logo/1664519389257009593.jpg', getSuccess: 1 }) } else { that.setData({ getImgUrl: 'https://img.bbztx.com/image_test/upload/thumbs/20220930/logo/1664519439365071430.jpg', getSuccess: 0, failContent: res.reason }) } }); }, onShareAppMessage() { let that = this; console.log('/pages/public/cashCoupon/index?channel=' + this.data.channelId) return { title: '价值158元新人优惠券免费领', path: '/pages/public/cashCoupon/index?channel=' + this.data.channelId, imageUrl: 'https://img.bbztx.com/image_test/upload/thumbs/20220906/logo/1662445015137076027.png' } } })