const Promise = require('./es6-promise.js'); // 保留两位小数 var filters = { toFix: function (value) { value = parseInt(value) return value.toFixed(2) // 此处2为保留两位小数,保留几位小数,这里写几 } } module.exports = { filters, // amapFile: require('amap-wx.js'), config: require('config.js'), // 以空格开始或结束的字符串 trim: function (str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""); }, // 所有存在空格的字符串 spaceTrim: function (str) { return str.replace(/\s+/g, "") }, // 通过宝贝币匹配会员等级 getCoinLevel(coinNum) { let data = {}; this.config.coin_level.forEach((el, i) => { if (el.min_num <= coinNum && coinNum < el.max_num) { data.levelName = el.levelName; data.index = i; data.level = el.level; data.time = el.time || 0; } }); return data; }, toMoney: function (str, s) { if (str === undefined) return str; var nums = str.toString().substr(0, 1) == '-' ? true : false, num = 0; str = str.toString().replace(/[^\d.]/g, "").split("."); str.length = 2, s = s || "", num = ((str[0] || 0) * 1000 / 1000).toString(); str[1] = str[1] || 0; str[1] = Number("0." + str[1]).toString().substring(2, 4); if (str[1].length < 2) { for (var i = str[1].length; i < 2; i++) { str[1] += "0"; } } for (var i = 0, j = Math.floor((num.length - (1 + i)) / 3); i < j; i++) { num = num.substring(0, num.length - (4 * i + 3)) + s + num.substring(num.length - (4 * i + 3)); } str[0] = num; return (nums ? "-" : "") + str.join("."); }, getRequestURL: function (query) { return this.config.apiServer + query + '.do'; }, // 一次性订阅信息(待完善数组) cancel————取消授权是否依旧执行 requestMsg(tmplIds, cancel) { let arr = []; if (!this.isEmpty(tmplIds)) { if (Array.isArray(tmplIds)) { arr = tmplIds; } if (typeof tmplIds == 'string') { arr.push(tmplIds) } } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { wx.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: arr, success: (res) => { if (res[arr[0]] === 'accept') { resolve() } if (res[arr[0]] === "reject" && cancel) { resolve() } }, fail(err) { reject() } }) }) }, // 获取物品清单(副文本) getGoodstext(id) { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { that.ajax({ func: 'ebusiness/listItems', data: { aid: id }, load: false }, res => { if (res.code == 0) { resolve( } }) }) }, // 获取物品清单(商品列表) getGoodsList(id) { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { that.ajax({ func: 'ebusiness/recommend', data: { aid: id }, load: false }, res => { if (res.code == 0) { resolve( } }) }) }, // 获取阿里云图片信息 getImageInfo(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { wx.getImageInfo({ src: url, success: (result) => { if (result.errMsg == "getImageInfo:ok") { resolve(result.width + '*' + result.height) } else { reject('') } }, fail: (res) => { reject('') }, }) }) }, // 获取物品推荐 getGoodsRecommend(id) { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { that.ajax({ func: 'ebusiness/checkExistItems', data: { aid: id }, load: false }, res => { if (res.code == 0) { resolve( } }) }) }, // 获取用户信息 getUserInfo() { let that = this, loginuser = wx.getStorageSync("WXuserInfo") ? true : false; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (loginuser) { that.ajax({ func: 'v2/user/info', load: false }, res => { if (res.code == 0) { resolve(; } else { reject(res.reason); } }); } else { reject(false); } }) }, // 获取用户佣金信息 stat() { let that = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { that.ajax({ func: 'v2/user/stat', load: false }, res => { if (res.code == 0) { resolve(; } }); }) }, // 获取上一页地址 getPrePageRoute() { let pages = getCurrentPages(); //页面对象 let prevpage = pages[pages.length - 2]; //上一个页面对象 return prevpage.route; }, navigator: function (url) { let app = getApp(); if (app.globalData.userInfo) { wx.navigateTo({ url: url }) } else { // 静默登录 this.silentLogin().then(res => { wx.navigateTo({ url: url }) }) } }, isTimeLeng(val) { var s = val.toString(); return s.length == 1 ? "0" + val : val; }, showTips(msg, time) { wx.showToast({ title: msg, icon: 'none', mask: true, duration: time || 2000 }); }, // 对比时间是否已过期 timeContrast(time) { if (!this.isEmpty(time) && time > 0) { let now = new Date().getTime(); return (time - now >= 0 ? true : false); } }, base64Encode: function (str) { str = this.utf16to8(str); var base64EncodeChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; var out, i, len; var c1, c2, c3; len = str.length; i = 0; out = ""; while (i < len) { c1 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff; if (i == len) { out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2); out += base64EncodeChars.charAt((c1 & 0x3) << 4); out += "=="; break; } c2 = str.charCodeAt(i++); if (i == len) { out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2); out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c1 & 0x3) << 4) | ((c2 & 0xF0) >> 4)); out += base64EncodeChars.charAt((c2 & 0xF) << 2); out += "="; break; } c3 = str.charCodeAt(i++); out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2); out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c1 & 0x3) << 4) | ((c2 & 0xF0) >> 4)); out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c2 & 0xF) << 2) | ((c3 & 0xC0) >> 6)); out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c3 & 0x3F); } return out; }, base64Decode(str) { var base64DecodeChars = new Array(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1); var c1, c2, c3, c4; var i, len, out; len = str.length; i = 0; out = ""; while (i < len) { /* c1 */ do { c1 = base64DecodeChars[str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff]; } while (i < len && c1 == -1); if (c1 == -1) break; /* c2 */ do { c2 = base64DecodeChars[str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff]; } while (i < len && c2 == -1); if (c2 == -1) break; out += String.fromCharCode((c1 << 2) | ((c2 & 0x30) >> 4)); /* c3 */ do { c3 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff; if (c3 == 61) return out; c3 = base64DecodeChars[c3]; } while (i < len && c3 == -1); if (c3 == -1) break; out += String.fromCharCode(((c2 & 0XF) << 4) | ((c3 & 0x3C) >> 2)); /* c4 */ do { c4 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff; if (c4 == 61) return out; c4 = base64DecodeChars[c4]; } while (i < len && c4 == -1); if (c4 == -1) break; out += String.fromCharCode(((c3 & 0x03) << 6) | c4); } return this.utf8to16(out); }, utf8to16(str) { var out, i, len, c; var char2, char3; out = ""; len = str.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { c = str.charCodeAt(i++); switch (c >> 4) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: // 0xxxxxxx out += str.charAt(i - 1); break; case 12: case 13: // 110x xxxx 10xx xxxx char2 = str.charCodeAt(i++); out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x1F) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3F)); break; case 14: // 1110 xxxx10xx xxxx10xx xxxx char2 = str.charCodeAt(i++); char3 = str.charCodeAt(i++); out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x0F) << 12) | ((char2 & 0x3F) << 6) | ((char3 & 0x3F) << 0)); break; } } return out; }, utf16to8: function (str) { var out, i, len, c; out = ""; len = str.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = str.charCodeAt(i); if ((c >= 0x0001) && (c <= 0x007F)) { out += str.charAt(i); } else if (c > 0x07FF) { out += String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F)); out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)); out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F)); } else { out += String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F)); out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F)); } } return out; }, formatDate: function (date, format, isFormat) { isFormat = isFormat != undefined ? isFormat : true; // date = new Date(date.replace(/-/g, "/")); date = typeof date == "string" ? new Date(date.replace(/-/g, "/")) : new Date(date); var format = format || "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss", o = { "M+": date.getMonth() + 1, "d+": date.getDate(), "h+": date.getHours(), "m+": date.getMinutes(), "s+": date.getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor((date.getMonth() + 3) / 3), "S": date.getMilliseconds() }; if (/(y+)/.test(format)) { format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, (date.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)) } for (var k in o) { if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(format)) { format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length == 1 ? o[k] : ("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)); } } if (isFormat) { return new Date(format.replace(/-/g, "/")); } else { return format; } }, decode: function (value, args) { var result = value; if (arguments.length > 0) { if (arguments.length == 1) { result = args; } else { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i = i + 2) { if (arguments[i] != undefined) { if (arguments[i + 1] != undefined) { if (result == arguments[i]) { result = arguments[i + 1]; break; } } else { result = arguments[i]; } } } } } return result; }, urlDecode: function (data, key) { if (data == null) return ''; var t = typeof (data); if (t == 'string' || t == 'number' || t == 'boolean') { data = decodeURI(data); } else { for (var i in data) { data[i] = decodeURI(data[i]); } } return data; }, toParam: function (param, key, encode) { if (param == null) return ''; var paramStr = ''; var t = typeof (param); if (t == 'string' || t == 'number' || t == 'boolean') { paramStr += '&' + key + '=' + ((encode == null || encode) ? decodeURI(param) : param); } else { for (var i in param) { var k = key == null ? i : key + (param instanceof Array ? '[' + i + ']' : '.' + i); paramStr += this.toParam(param[i], k, encode); } } return paramStr; }, isPhone: function (phone) { return typeof (phone) != "undefined" && (phone.length != 11 || !(/^1[3|4|5|6|7|8|9][0-9]{9}/.test(phone))); }, delData: function (data, filed, val) { var newArr = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var j = data[i]; if (j[filed] != val) { newArr.push(j); } } return newArr; }, formatUnixtimestamp: function (inputTime) { var date = new Date(inputTime); var y = date.getFullYear(); var m = date.getMonth() + 1; m = m < 10 ? ('0' + m) : m; var d = date.getDate(); d = d < 10 ? ('0' + d) : d; var h = date.getHours(); h = h < 10 ? ('0' + h) : h; var minute = date.getMinutes(); var second = date.getSeconds(); minute = minute < 10 ? ('0' + minute) : minute; second = second < 10 ? ('0' + second) : second; return y + '-' + m + '-' + d + ' ' + h + ':' + minute + ':' + second; }, formatMonth: function (begin, end) { let that = this; var arr = [], unixDb = begin - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, unixDe = end - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; for (var k = unixDb; k <= unixDe;) { k = k + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var time = { text: that.formatDate(that.formatUnixtimestamp(k), 'MM月dd日', false), value: that.formatDate(that.formatUnixtimestamp(k), 'yyyy-MM-dd', false), active: (that.getNowFormatDate("yyyy-MM-dd") == that.formatDate(that.formatUnixtimestamp(k), 'yyyy-MM-dd', false) ? 1 : 0) }; arr.push(time); } return arr; }, getNowFormatDate: function (format) { format = format || "yyyy-MM-dd"; return this.formatDate(this.formatUnixtimestamp(new Date().getTime()), format, false); }, datedifference: function (sDate1, sDate2, compareSec) { //compareSec ——是否比较至秒级 true-是 -false 否 var dateSpan, tempDate, iDays; sDate1 = Date.parse(sDate1); sDate2 = Date.parse(sDate2); dateSpan = sDate2 - sDate1; dateSpan = Math.abs(dateSpan); iDays = compareSec ? dateSpan / 1000 : Math.floor(dateSpan / (24 * 3600 * 1000)); return iDays; }, isEmpty: function (obj) { var s = obj == null || obj == undefined ? "" : obj.toString().replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""); return s.length == 0; }, isObjEmpty: function (obj) { for (var prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) return false; } return true; }, defaultIdcard: function (data) { if (typeof (data) == "undefined") { return ""; } var self = this; for (var i in data) { data[i]['cardTypeStr'] = self.cardType(data[i]['cardType']); if (!self.isObjEmpty(data[i]['parent'])) { data[i]['parent']['cardTypeStr'] = self.cardType(data[i]['parent']['cardType']); } } return data; }, cardType: function (cardType) { cardType = typeof (cardType) == "undefined" ? 0 : parseInt(cardType); return this.config.cardTypeArr[cardType]; }, identityCodeValid: function (code, str) { str = str.toUpperCase(); if (parseInt(code) == 0) { var city = { 11: "北京", 12: "天津", 13: "河北", 14: "山西", 15: "内蒙古", 21: "辽宁", 22: "吉林", 23: "黑龙江 ", 31: "上海", 32: "江苏", 33: "浙江", 34: "安徽", 35: "福建", 36: "江西", 37: "山东", 41: "河南", 42: "湖北 ", 43: "湖南", 44: "广东", 45: "广西", 46: "海南", 50: "重庆", 51: "四川", 52: "贵州", 53: "云南", 54: "西藏 ", 61: "陕西", 62: "甘肃", 63: "青海", 64: "宁夏", 65: "新疆", 71: "台湾", 81: "香港", 82: "澳门", 91: "国外 " }; if (!/^(^[1-9]\d{7}((0\d)|(1[0-2]))(([0|1|2]\d)|3[0-1])\d{3}$)|(^[1-9]\d{5}[1-9]\d{3}((0\d)|(1[0-2]))(([0|1|2]\d)|3[0-1])((\d{4})|\d{3}[Xx])$)$/.test(str)) { return false; } else if (!city[str.substr(0, 2)]) { return false; } else { str = str.split(''); //∑(ai×Wi)(mod 11) //加权因子 var factor = [7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2]; //校验位 var parity = [1, 0, 'X', 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]; var sum = 0; var ai = 0; var wi = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 17; i++) { ai = str[i]; wi = factor[i]; sum += ai * wi; } var last = parity[sum % 11]; if (parity[sum % 11] != str[17]) { return false; } } return true; } else { return !this.isEmpty(str); } }, getSex(psidno) { var sexno; if (psidno.length == 18) { sexno = psidno.substring(16, 17); } else if (psidno.length == 15) { sexno = psidno.substring(14, 15); } return sexno % 2; }, ages(str) { var r = str.match(/^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2})$/); if (r == null) return "成人"; var d = new Date(r[1], r[3] - 1, r[4]); if (d.getFullYear() == r[1] && (d.getMonth() + 1) == r[3] && d.getDate() == r[4]) { var Y = new Date().getFullYear(); var M = new Date().getMonth() + 1; var D = new Date().getDate(); return Y - r[1] > 18 || (Y - r[1] == 18 && M - r[3] > 0) || (Y - r[1] == 18 && M - r[3] == 0 && D - r[4] >= 0) ? "成人" : "儿童" } return "成人"; }, getAge: function (strBirthday) { var returnAge, strBirthdayArr = strBirthday.split("-"), birthYear = strBirthdayArr[0], birthMonth = strBirthdayArr[1], birthDay = strBirthdayArr[2], d = new Date(), nowYear = d.getFullYear(), nowMonth = d.getMonth() + 1, nowDay = d.getDate(); if (nowYear == birthYear) { returnAge = 0; //同年 则为0岁 } else { var ageDiff = nowYear - birthYear; //年之差 if (ageDiff > 0) { if (nowMonth == birthMonth) { var dayDiff = nowDay - birthDay; //日之差 if (dayDiff < 0) { returnAge = ageDiff - 1; } else { returnAge = ageDiff; } } else { var monthDiff = nowMonth - birthMonth; //月之差 if (monthDiff < 0) { returnAge = ageDiff - 1; } else { returnAge = ageDiff; } } } else { returnAge = -1; //返回-1 表示出生日期输入错误 晚于今天 } } return parseInt(returnAge); //返回周岁年龄 }, // 渠道创建记录 getChannelMsg(channel) { let that = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { that.ajax({ func: "user/channel/browhistory", data: { channelId: channel } }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0) { resolve(res); } else { reject(res); } }); }) }, uploadFile(url, files, data = {}, isCall = false) { let that = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { that.ajax({ func: url, data: data }, (res) => { if (res.code == 0) { let oss =, photoArrsm = ''; if (files.indexOf('http://tmp/') != -1) { photoArrsm = oss.dir + files.replace('http://tmp/', ""); } if (files.indexOf('wxfile://') != -1) { photoArrsm = oss.dir + files.replace('wxfile://', ""); } let formData = { 'key': photoArrsm, 'policy': oss.policy, 'OSSAccessKeyId': oss.accessid, 'success_action_status': '200', //让服务端返回200,不然,默认会返回204 'signature': oss.signature } if (isCall) formData.callback = oss.callback; setTimeout(() => { console.log(that.config.ossImgPath); const uploadTask = wx.uploadFile({ url: that.config.ossImgPath, formData: formData, name: 'file', filePath: files, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, method: 'post', success: (res) => { if (res.statusCode == 200) { resolve({ code: 0, uploadTask: uploadTask, url: that.config.ossImgPath + photoArrsm }); } else { reject({ code: -1, reason: '上传失败,请重新上传。' }); } }, fail(info) { reject({ code: -1, reason: '上传失败,请重新上传。' }); } }); }, 1000); } else that.showTips(res.reason); }) }); }, sendMessage: function (options, callBack) { console.log(options.key); if (typeof options != "object") return false; options.vid = ".code"; var timer; this.ajax({ func: "sendmcode", data: { phone: options['phone'], "type": options.type, key: options.key }, load: options['load'] ? options['load'] : false, method: "POST", }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0) { btnTimer(options, function (text) { res.text = text; callBack(res); }); } else { callBack(res); } }); function btnTimer(options, callBack) { console.log(options.time); var i = options.time; timer = setInterval(function () { if (i == 0) { callBack(i); clearInterval(timer); } else { callBack(i); i--; } }, 1000); } }, // 微信支付 WXPay(data, aid, title, alone, method) { let that = this, app = getApp(), userInfo = app.globalData.userInfo; data.applet = '1'; data.tradeType = 'JSAPI'; data.openid = userInfo.socialUid; console.log(data); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { that.ajax({ func: "weixin/npre", //获取微信支付所需信息 data: data, load: true, title: '请求中' // method:'POST' }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0) { let datas =; wx.requestPayment({ 'timeStamp': datas.timestamp, 'nonceStr': datas.nonce_str, 'package': datas.package, 'signType': datas.signType, 'paySign': datas.sign, 'success': function (result) { that.payResultWait(datas.orderid) wx.reportAnalytics('order_pay', { aid: aid, title: title, }); resolve({ orderid: datas.orderid, tradeChannelWeixin: res.tradeChannelWeixin, btype: data.btype }); //CMBC --民生支付 }, 'fail': function (result) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '订单有5分钟的支付时间,超时后将自动取消订单,确定暂不支付?', confirmText: '继续支付', cancelText: '暂不支付', confirmColor: '#ee3a43', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { data.orderid = datas.orderid; if (data.btype == 2) { data.btype = 0; } that.WXPay(data, aid, title, alone).then((orderid) => { var pages = getCurrentPages() var currentPage = pages[pages.length - 2]; if (currentPage.route == "pages/product/activity/index" || currentPage.route == "pages/order/index/order" || currentPage.route == "pages/order/detail/index") { let info = []; info.push('orderid=' + orderid) info.push('alone=' + alone) info.push('btype=' + data.btype) if (data.btype == 1) { info.push('presellOpen=' + method) } else if (data.btype == 2) { info.push('presellStatus=' + method) } else { info.push('presellOpen=' + method) } // wx.navigateTo({ // url: '/pages/order/success/index?orderid=' + orderid + '&alone=' + alone + '&presellOpen='+method+'&btype='+data.btype // }); wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/order/success/index?' + info.join('&') }); } }) } else if (res.cancel) { // if(!that.isEmpty(data.orderid)){ // that.ajax({ // func: 'order/pay/cancel', // data: { "oldOrderid": data.orderid, "orderid": datas.orderid }, // load: false // }, function (res) { // reject(res); // }); // }else { // reject(res); // } var pages = getCurrentPages() var currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1] if (currentPage.route == "pages/product/buy/index") { let info = 'orderid=' + datas.orderid + '&otype=1'; if (data.btype == 1) { info = method == 0 ? (info + '&presellStatus=0') : (info + '&presellStatus=1') } else if (data.btype == 2) { info = info + '&presellStatus=' + method } else if (data.btype == 0) { info = info + '&presellStatus=0' } else if (data.btype == 3) { info = info + '&presellStatus=0' } wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/order/detail/index?' + info }) } if (currentPage.route == 'pages/product/balancePayment/balancePayment') { let info = 'orderid=' + datas.orderid + '&otype=1' + '&presellStatus=2' wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/order/detail/index?' + info }) } } } }) } }) } else { reject(res); } }); }); }, ajax: function (options, success) { let app = getApp(), that = this; = typeof ( != "undefined" ? : {}; options.load = typeof (options.load) == "undefined" ? false : options.load; options.title = typeof (options.title) == "undefined" ? false : options.title; options.method = typeof (options.method) == "undefined" ? "GET" : options.method; if (options.load && options.title) {//评价相关接口调用弹窗避免重复调用 wx.showLoading({ title: options.title, mask: true }); } else if (options.load) { wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中…' }); } for (let key in { if ([key] === 'undefined') {[key] = ''; } }['city'] =['city'] || "永康" || "";['platform'] = 1; //['lat'] = || ""; //['lng'] = || "";['rid'] = app.globalData.userInfo ? app.globalData.userInfo['rid'] : "";['channel'] =['channel'] || "applet"; options.contentType = typeof (options.contentType) == "undefined" ? "application/json" : options.contentType; console.log(, 7878) wx.request({ url: this.getRequestURL(options.func), data:, method: options.method, header: { "content-type": options.contentType }, success(res) { options.load ? wx.hideLoading() : ""; if (res.statusCode == 200) { if ( == 1004 || == 1005) { wx.removeStorageSync("WXuserInfo"); app.globalData.userInfo = null; if ( == 1004) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/home/login' }); } return false; } typeof (success) == "function" ? success( : ""; } else { that.showTips("网络请求失败。"); typeof (success) == "function" ? success(res) : ""; } } }); }, // loadCity: function (callback, type) { // var self = this; // ({ // type: 'wgs84', // success: function (res) { // var myAmapFun = new self.amapFile.AMapWX({ // key: "4048819e3a45aa1cbac417a4e45f44aa" // }); // oldKey —— bae2697f5d1a1e5db9dd855e7cd083bf // myAmapFun.getRegeo({ // location: res.longitude + ',' + res.latitude, // success: function (data) { // data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['latitude'] = res.latitude; // data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['longitude'] = res.longitude; // if (typeof (data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['city']) == "object") { // data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['city'] = data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['city'].join(""); // } // data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['city'] = self.isEmpty(data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['city']) ? data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['province'] : data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['city']; // data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['city'] = data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['city'].replace("市", ""); // self.businessCity().then(function (citys) { // let getCity = wx.getStorageSync("city") || {}; // if (citys.includes(data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent']['city']) || !self.isObjEmpty(getCity)) { // if (!self.isObjEmpty(getCity) && type == undefined) data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent'] = getCity; // typeof (callback) == "function" ? callback({ // code: 0, // data: data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent'], // msg: "省市获取成功。" // }): ""; // } else { // typeof (callback) == "function" ? callback({ // code: 2, // data: data[0]['regeocodeData']['addressComponent'], // msg: "省市获取失败。" // }): ""; // } // }); // }, // }); // }, // fail: function (info) { // typeof (callback) == "function" ? callback({ // code: 1, // data: { // city: "未知城市" // }, // msg: "省市获取失败。" // }): ""; // } // }); // }, // 支付成功后调用(不做回调处理) payResultWait(orderid) { let that = this; that.ajax({ func: 'weixin/order/result/wait', data: { orderid: orderid }, load: false }, function (res) { }); }, businessCity() { let that = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { that.ajax({ func: 'city_list', load: false }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0) { resolve(; } else { reject(); } }); }); }, refreshCount() { let that = this, app = getApp(); if (app != undefined && !that.isObjEmpty(app.globalData.userInfo)) { that.ajax({ func: "user/stat_info", load: false }, function (res) { if ( { let userInfo = app.globalData.userInfo; userInfo['membered'] =; userInfo['babyCoin'] = that.toMoney(, ","); = Math.round(; userInfo['role'] = that.userRole(; userInfo['roleType'] = || 'normal'; userInfo['roleTypeDisable'] = || 0; userInfo['score'] =; userInfo['weixin'] = || 0; app.globalData.userInfo = userInfo; wx.setStorageSync("WXuserInfo", userInfo); } }); } }, userRole: function (val) { var that = this, str = that.config.userRole[0]; for (let i = 0; i < that.config.userRole.length; i++) { if (parseFloat(val) >= parseFloat(that.config.userRole[i].startPoint) && (that.config.userRole[i].endPoint == undefined || parseFloat(val) <= parseFloat(that.config.userRole[i].endPoint))) { str = that.config.userRole[i]; } } return str; }, // 完成宝贝币任务 finishCoinTask(taskId, onlyCoin) { let that = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { that.ajax({ func: "v2/user_coin/task/pass", data: { taskId: taskId }, method: "POST", load: false }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0) { if (onlyCoin) { resolve( } else { let text = '恭喜你完成任务,获得' + + '枚宝贝币' resolve(text) } } else { resolve(res.reason) } }); }) }, // 通过小程序码进入的获取活动aid codeGetAid(aid) { let that = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { that.ajax({ func: "v2/article/aid", data: { "aid": aid } }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0) { resolve(res) } else { reject(res) } }); }) }, promise: function () { var that = this, app = getApp(); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // that.loadCity(function (res) { // let city =; // if (res.code == 0) { //获取地址成功 // app.globalData.locationCity =; // if (!that.isObjEmpty(city) && != && app.globalData.path == 'pages/index/index') { // wx.hideLoading(); // wx.showModal({ // title: "温馨提示", // content: "自动定位地理位置为“" + + "”,是否切换到“" + + "”?", // success: function (d) { // if (d.confirm) { // app.globalData.previous =; // =; // wx.setStorageSync("city",; // resolve(true) // } else { // resolve(true) // } // } // }); // } else { // =; // wx.setStorageSync("city",; // resolve(true) // } // } else if (res.code == 1 || res.code == 2) { //获取地址失败 // if (that.isObjEmpty(city) || res.code == 2) { //全局地址为空 // var e = getCurrentPages(), // url = (e.length <= 0 ? "/pages/index/index" : "/" + (e[e.length - 1].route)); // reject('reject'); // = {}; // wx.removeStorageSync("city"); // wx.redirectTo({ // url: '/pages/city/list?query=selectCity&url=' + url // }); // } else { //全局地址city['city']存在 // resolve(true) // } // } that.refreshCount(); // }); }) }, // 静默登录 silentLogin() { let that = this; let app = getApp(); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { wx.login({ success: res => { let it = {}; it.version = "applet_v1.0.0"; it.code = res.code; = 'challengerhome'; that.ajax({ func: "applet_login", data: it }, function (data) { if (data.code == 0) { // 第一次登录未注册 if ( == 1) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/home/login', }); reject() } else { = that.userRole(Math.round(; // 强制退出登录 = 9 wx.setStorageSync("WXuserInfo",; app.globalData.userInfo = resolve() } } else { that.showTips(data.reason); } }); } }); }) } }