const app = getApp(); const util = require('../../../utils/util.js'); Page({ data: { activeData:[],//活动列表 // 新版 selectDay:{ year:new Date().getFullYear(), month:new Date().getMonth() + 1, day:new Date().getDate() }, today: {},//今天 todaySecond: new Date().getTime(),//今天的秒 haveActDays:[],//当日有活动的天 imgPath: util.config.imgPath, }, onLoad: function () { let date = new Date() this.setData({ today: this.formatDate() }); this.generateAllDays(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1) this.setNavigationBarTitle() }, setNavigationBarTitle(){ wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: + '活动日历', }) }, digit: function (n) { if (n == null || n === "" || n == undefined) { return ""; } else { return parseInt(n)>=10?n:'0'+n; } }, //生成日期格式:2019-5-7 formatDate: function (date = new Date()) { // 年月日 var year = date.getFullYear() var month = date.getMonth() + 1 var day = date.getDate() // 返回值 let obj={year,month,day,dateStr:[year, this.digit(month), this.digit(day)].join('-') } return obj; }, //生成当前需要显示的全部日期 generateAllDays(year, month) { let that =this,detaultDay=-1,thisMonth = this.currentMonthDays(year, month) util.ajax({ func: "article/calendar/getCalendarList", data: { "starDate": thisMonth[0].date, "endDate": thisMonth[thisMonth.length-1].date }, load:false }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0) { let data =; if (!util.isObjEmpty(data)&&data.length>0) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { const el = data[i]; let sec=new Date(; if (sec> {'-')[2]; that.getActiveDetail(; break; } } } that.setData({haveActDays:data,'':parseInt(detaultDay)}); that.dateInit() }else{ util.showTips(res.reason); } }) }, //生成本月的值 currentMonthDays(year, month) { const numOfDays = this.getNumOfDays(year, month) return this.generateDays(year, month, numOfDays) }, //生成本月的上,或者中,或者下 generateDays(year, month, daysNum, option = {startNum: 1, notCurrent: false}) { const weekMap = ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '日'] let days = [] for (let i = option.startNum; i <= daysNum; i++) { let week = weekMap[new Date(year, month - 1, i).getUTCDay()] let day = i; days.push({ date: `${year}-${month}-${day}`, event: false, day, week, month, year, dateSecond: new Date(`${year}/${month}/${day}`).getTime() }) } return days }, getNumOfDays(year, month, day = 0) { return new Date(year, month, day).getDate() }, getActiveDetail(date){ let that = this; util.ajax({ func: "article/calendar/getArticleCalendarList", data: {date}, load:false }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0) { => { if (!util.isEmpty( { let arr =[]; if ('+')==-1) { arr.push(; } else {'+'); }; } }); let activeData =; that.setData({ activeData}) } else { util.showTips(res.reason); } }) }, onShareAppMessage() { return { title: '活动日历,按日历查活动', path: '/pages/public/calendar/calendar' } }, /** * 时间戳转化为年 月 日 时 分 秒 * time: 需要被格式化的时间,可以被new Date()解析即可 * format:格式化之后返回的格式,年月日时分秒分别为Y, M, D, h, m, s,这个参数不填的话则显示多久前 */ formatTime(time, format) { function formatNumber(n) { n = n.toString() return n[1] ? n : '0' + n } function getDate(time, format) { const formateArr = ['Y', 'M', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's'] const returnArr = [] const date = new Date(time) returnArr.push(date.getFullYear()) returnArr.push(formatNumber(date.getMonth() + 1)) returnArr.push(formatNumber(date.getDate())) returnArr.push(formatNumber(date.getHours())) returnArr.push(formatNumber(date.getMinutes())) returnArr.push(formatNumber(date.getSeconds())) for (const i in returnArr) { format = format.replace(formateArr[i], returnArr[i]) } return format } function getDateDiff(time) { let r = '' const ft = new Date(time) const nt = new Date() const nd = new Date(nt) nd.setHours(23) nd.setMinutes(59) nd.setSeconds(59) nd.setMilliseconds(999) const d = parseInt((nd - ft) / 86400000) switch (true) { case d === 0: const t = parseInt(nt / 1000) - parseInt(ft / 1000) switch (true) { case t < 60: r = '刚刚' break case t < 3600: r = parseInt(t / 60) + '分钟前' break default: r = parseInt(t / 3600) + '小时前' } break case d === 1: r = '昨天' break case d === 2: r = '前天' break case d > 2 && d < 30: r = d + '天前' break default: r = getDate(time, 'Y-M-D') } return r } if (!format) { return getDateDiff(time) } else { return getDate(time, format) } }, //上月切换按钮点击 lastMonth() { const lastMonth = new Date(, - 2) const year = lastMonth.getFullYear() const month = lastMonth.getMonth() + 1 this.setData({'selectDay.year':year,'selectDay.month':month,activeData:[]}) this.generateAllDays(year, month) }, //下月切换按钮点击 nextMonth() { const nextMonth = new Date(, const year = nextMonth.getFullYear() const month = nextMonth.getMonth() + 1 this.setData({'selectDay.year':year,'selectDay.month':month,activeData:[]}) this.generateAllDays(year, month) }, //设置月份 setMonth(setYear, setMonth, setDay,index, sid,bol) { if (!util.isEmpty(index)) { this.setData({selectedMonth:index}) } const data = { selectDay: { year: setYear, month: setMonth, day: setDay ? setDay : 0, dateString: setYear+'-'+setMonth+'-'+(setDay||0) } } if (!setDay) { = true; } this.setData({selectDay:data.selectDay,s1Sid:sid}) this.dateInit(setYear, setMonth); this.triggerEvent("change", }, //日历主体的渲染方法 dateInit(setYear =, setMonth = { let dateList = []; //需要遍历的日历数组数据 let now = new Date(setYear, setMonth - 1)//当前月份的1号 let startWeek = now.getDay(); //目标月1号对应的星期 let dayNum = new Date(setYear, setMonth, 0).getDate() //当前月有多少天 let forNum = Math.ceil((startWeek + dayNum) / 7) * 7 //当前月跨越的天数(包括当前月天数周所涉及的上下月日期) //展开状态,需要渲染完整的月份 for (let i = 0; i < forNum; i++) { const now2 = new Date(now) let obj = {}; if (i>=startWeek && i<(dayNum+startWeek)) { now2.setDate(i - startWeek + 1) let dayStatus=this.matchDay({y:now2.getFullYear(),m:now2.getMonth()+1,d:now2.getDate()}) obj = { day: now2.getDate(), month: now2.getMonth() + 1, year: now2.getFullYear(), dateString: this.formatTime(now2, "Y-M-D"), dateSecond:new Date(this.formatTime(now2, "Y-M-D")).getTime() }; if (!util.isEmpty(dayStatus)&&dayStatus>0) { obj.count=dayStatus; } } else { obj = {} } dateList[i] = obj; } this.setData({ dateList: dateList }) }, // 匹配日历-天 matchDay(date){ let count=0; if (!util.isObjEmpty( { => { let date1 ='-'); if (date.y==date1[0] && date.m==parseInt(date1[1])&&date.d==parseInt(date1[2])) { count=el.count; } }); } return count; }, //一天被点击时 selectChange(e) { const year = e.currentTarget.dataset.year const month = e.currentTarget.dataset.month const day = const dateString = e.currentTarget.dataset.dateString const selectDay = { year: year, month: month, day: day, dateString: dateString } if ( == year && == month && == day) { return false; }else{ this.getActiveDetail(dateString) } this.setData({selectDay}) } })