const util = require('../../../utils/util.js'); Component({ properties: { show:{ type: Boolean, observer: function (newVal) { this.setData({ show: newVal }); if ( { this.getPopupContent() } } }, type:{ type: Boolean, observer: function (newVal) { this.setData({ type: newVal }); } } }, data: { type:false, show:false, height:'60%', customerService:{} }, methods: { // 获取弹窗内容 getPopupContent(){ var that = this; let data={}; if ( {'总部' } util.ajax({ func: "article/wx_info", load: false, data }, function (res) { if (res.code == 0) { that.setData({ }) } else { util.showTips(res.reason); } }) }, // 关闭弹窗 closeTip(e){ this.colse(e.detail) }, // 确定 closePopup(){ let that =this if (!util.isEmpty( { wx.downloadFile({, success(res) { wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ filePath:res.tempFilePath, success:(res)=>{ setTimeout(() => { util.showTips('已保存至相册!') }, 100); setTimeout(() => { that.colse(false) }, 600); } }) }, fail(res){ util.showTips('保存失败!') } }) } }, colse(data){ this.triggerEvent("close",{ status:data, type:'contact' } ); } } })