123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270 |
- const util = require('../../../utils/util.js');
- const app = getApp();
- Page({
- data: {
- datas:{},
- imgUrl:[],
- uploadImg:[],
- star:5,
- cusStar:5,
- aid:'',
- title:'',
- orderid:'',
- type:'',
- act:'',
- content:'',//评价
- cid:'',
- one: [{ txt: '带队技能欠佳', cet: false }, { txt: '与宣传有差距', cet: false }, { txt: '活动不合理', cet: false }, { txt: '孩子体验一般', cet: false }, { txt: '吃住有待升级', cet: false }, { txt: '性价比一般', cet: false }],
- two: [{ txt: '正能量的小黄人', cet: false }, { txt: '领队专业细心', cet: false }, { txt: '教育意义明显', cet: false }, { txt: '活动安排有序', cet: false }, { txt: '安全措施到位', cet: false }, { txt: '性价比超值', cet: false }],
- chooseIndex:[],
- option:[],
- recommendArr: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],//推荐值数组
- recomLevel: 0,//推荐值
- },
- onLoad(options) {
- let orderid = options.orderid, type = options.otype, act = options.act || '';
- this.setData({ orderid, type, act});
- this.getData(orderid,type,act);
- },
- getData(orderid,type,act){
- let that = this;
- util.ajax({
- func:"v2/order/detail",
- data:{"orderid":orderid,"type":(type != undefined ? type : "")}
- },function(res){
- if(res.code == 0){
- let datas = res.data, star = 5, uploadImg = [], content = '', option = [], options = that.data.two, cid = '', recomLevel=0;
- if (!util.isObjEmpty(datas.comment)){
- // star = datas.comment.arating;
- cid = datas.comment.cid;
- // recomLevel = datas.comment.recomLevel;
- // uploadImg = datas.comment.images||[];
- // content = datas.comment.content.replace(/#([^#]+)#/g,"").replace(/<br\/>/g,'\n');
- // option = datas.comment.content.match(/#([^#]+)#/g);
- // star>=3?options = that.data.two : options = that.data.one;
- // for(let i in option){
- // option[i] = option[i].replace(/#/g, "");
- // for(let k in options){
- // if(option[i] == options[k].txt){
- // options[k].cet = true
- // }
- // }
- // }
- that.updateCommentData(datas.comment)
- }
- if (that.data.act !='edit') {
- that.getlocalData();
- }
- // if(star>=3){
- // that.setData({two:options})
- // }else{
- // that.setData({one:options})
- // }
- // that.setData({ star, uploadImg, aid: datas.aid, cid, content, datas, title: datas.title, recomLevel})
- that.setData({aid: datas.aid, cid, datas, title: datas.title,})
- }else
- util.showTips(res.reason);
- })
- },
- chooseImg(){
- let that = this, uploadImg = that.data.uploadImg, count = 8;
- wx.chooseImage({
- count:count,
- sizeType: ['compressed'],
- sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
- success: function (res) {
- var imgUrl = res.tempFilePaths;
- if (count - (imgUrl.length + uploadImg.length) < 0) {
- util.showTips("最多只能上传" + count + "张图片");
- return false;
- }
- wx.showLoading({ title: '上传中…' });
- let img = [];
- that.data.upImg = [];
- for(let i in imgUrl){
- wx.uploadFile({
- url: util.config.apiServer + 'user/upload_img_app.do',
- filePath: imgUrl[i],
- name: 'avatarFile',
- formData:{
- "rid":app.globalData.userInfo['rid']
- },
- success: function(reason){
- let datas = JSON.parse(reason.data);
- if(reason.statusCode==200&&datas.code==0){
- img.push(datas.data.image);
- that.setData({ uploadCount: imgUrl.length, uploadImg, upImg: img});
- if (that.data.upImg.length == that.data.uploadCount) {
- that.data.uploadImg = [...that.data.upImg, ...that.data.uploadImg];
- that.setData({ uploadImg: that.data.uploadImg });
- wx.hideLoading();
- }
- }
- }
- })
- }
- }
- })
- },
- delImg(e){
- let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index,uploadImg = this.data.uploadImg;
- uploadImg.splice(index,1);
- this.setData({uploadImg})
- },
- submit(){
- let that=this,
- data = {},
- uploadImg=this.data.uploadImg,
- act = this.data.act,
- userInfo = app.globalData.userInfo,
- star = this.data.star,
- content=this.data.content.replace(/\n/g,'<br/>'),
- option = this.data.two;
- if(star == 1 || star == 2){
- option = this.data.one;
- }
- for(let i in option){
- if(option[i].cet){
- content = content +'#'+option[i].txt+'#'
- }
- }
- let pages = getCurrentPages(), prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2];
- if (prevPage.route == "pages/order/detail/index"){
- prevPage.data.query.otype = 0;
- }
- data['aid'] = this.data.aid;
- data['orderid'] = this.data.orderid;
- data['arating'] = star;//活动评分
- data['crating'] = this.data.cusStar;//活动评分
- data['leaderrating'] = '5';//领队评分
- data['content'] = content;
- data['cid'] = this.data.cid;
- data['image'] = uploadImg?uploadImg.join(','):'';
- data['rid'] = userInfo ? userInfo['rid']:"";
- data['recomLevel'] = this.data.recomLevel;
- if (data.recomLevel<=0&&this.data.datas.atype == 0) {
- util.showTips("请对于本次活动体验后进行打分。");
- return false;
- }
- if(util.isEmpty(data.content)){
- util.showTips(this.data.datas.atype == 0?"请填写本次活动体验后的评价。":'请填写对此商品的评价。');
- return false;
- }
- util.ajax({
- func: (act == 'edit' ? "v2/comments/order/update" :"v2/comments/order/addcomment"),
- data:data,
- method: "POST",
- load:true,
- title:'提交中'
- },function(res){
- if(res.code == 0){
- if (act == 'edit' || that.data.datas.atype == 1){
- wx.navigateBack();
- }else{
- wx.redirectTo({
- url: '/pages/order/scratch/scratch?orderid='+that.data.orderid+'&coin='+res.data||0
- })
- }
- }else{
- util.showTips(res.reason);
- }
- });
- },
- // 获取的评论数据整理公共方法
- updateCommentData(commentData){
- let star = 5,cusStar=5, uploadImg = [], content = '', option = [], options = this.data.two,recomLevel=0;
- star = commentData.arating;
- cusStar = commentData.crating;
- recomLevel = commentData.recomLevel;
- uploadImg = commentData.images||[];
- content = commentData.content.replace(/#([^#]+)#/g,"").replace(/<br\/>/g,'\n');
- option = commentData.content.match(/#([^#]+)#/g);
- star>=3?options = this.data.two : options = this.data.one;
- for(let i in option){
- option[i] = option[i].replace(/#/g, "");
- for(let k in options){
- if(option[i] == options[k].txt){
- options[k].cet = true
- }
- }
- }
- if(star>=3){
- this.setData({two:options})
- }else{
- this.setData({one:options})
- }
- this.setData({star,cusStar,uploadImg,content,recomLevel})
- },
- // 获取本地草稿数据
- getlocalData(){
- if (!util.isObjEmpty(wx.getStorageSync("orderComment"))) {
- let localData=wx.getStorageSync("orderComment");
- if (localData.orderid==this.data.orderid) {
- this.updateCommentData(localData)
- }
- }
- },
- // 保存草稿至本地
- saveDataToLocal(){
- let that=this,commentData={},option = this.data.two;
- if (!util.isEmpty(this.data.content)||this.data.uploadImg.length>0) {
- commentData.orderid=this.data.orderid;
- commentData.saveDate=util.getNowFormatDate('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss');
- commentData.arating=this.data.star;
- commentData.crating=this.data.cusStar;
- commentData.recomLevel=this.data.recomLevel;
- commentData.images=this.data.uploadImg || '';
- let content=this.data.content.replace(/\n/g,'<br/>');
- if(this.data.star == 1 || this.data.star == 2){
- option = this.data.one;
- }
- for(let i in option){
- if(option[i].cet){
- content = content +'#'+option[i].txt+'#'
- }
- }
- commentData.content=content;
- wx.setStorageSync("orderComment", commentData);
- }
- },
- chooseOpt:function(e){
- var star = this.data.star,chooseIndex = this.data.chooseIndex,index=e.currentTarget.dataset.index,option = this.data.two;
- if(star == 1 || star == 2){
- option = this.data.one;
- }
- if(option[index].cet){
- option[index].cet = false;
- }else{
- option[index].cet = true;
- }
- if(star == 1 || star == 2){
- this.setData({one:option});
- }else{
- this.setData({two:option});
- }
- },
- bindblur:function(e){
- this.setData({content:e.detail.value});
- },
- bindstar:function(e){
- if (e.currentTarget.dataset.type=='star') {
- this.setData({star:e.target.dataset.index});
- }else{
- this.setData({cusStar:e.target.dataset.index});
- }
- },
- recommend(e) {
- this.setData({ recomLevel: e.target.dataset.number })
- },
- onUnload: function() {
- if (this.data.datas.atype=='0') {
- this.saveDataToLocal()
- }
- },
- onHide(){
- if (this.data.datas.atype=='0') {
- this.saveDataToLocal()
- }
- }
- })