123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121 |
- const util = require("../../utils/util.js");
- const config = require("../../utils/config.js");
- const app = getApp();
- var updateTimer;
- Page({
- data: {
- swiperIndex:0,
- swiperList:[],
- equity:{},
- swiper:{
- next: 0,
- previous: 0
- },
- questionShow:false
- },
- onLoad: function () {
- clearTimeout(updateTimer);
- this.getList();
- },
- getList(){
- let that = this;
- util.ajax({
- func: "v2/user/growthCard/list",
- }, function (res) {
- if (res.code == 0) {
- if(res.data.list.length > 1){
- that.data.swiper.next = 150;
- }
- that.setData({ swiperList: res.data.list, swiper: that.data.swiper });
- that.getEquity();
- }else{
- util.showTips(res.reason)
- }
- })
- },
- getEquity() {
- let that = this;
- util.ajax({
- func: "v2/user/growthCard/equity",
- data:{id:that.data.swiperList[that.data.swiperIndex].id}
- }, function (res) {
- if (res.code == 0) {
- that.setData({equity:res.data});
- if(!util.isObjEmpty(res.data.equityThree)){
- that.updateTime();
- }
- } else {
- util.showTips(res.reason)
- }
- })
- },
- updateTime() {
- let that = this, equity = this.data.equity, i = 0;
- equity.equityThree.forEach((item, index) => {
- let lag = item.saleTime/ 1000;
- if (lag > 0) {
- equity.equityThree[index].updateTime = util.isTimeLeng(Math.floor((lag / 3600) % 60)) + ":" + util.isTimeLeng(Math.floor((lag / 60) % 60)) + ":" + util.isTimeLeng(Math.floor(lag % 60));
- equity.equityThree[index].saleTime = item.saleTime-1000;
- i = 1;
- } else {
- equity.equityThree[index].updateTime = null;
- }
- });
- that.setData({ equity: equity });
- if (i == 0){
- clearTimeout(updateTimer);
- }else{
- updateTimer = setTimeout(function () {
- that.updateTime();
- }, 1000);
- }
- },
- swiperChange(e){
- let index = e.detail.current, count = this.data.swiperList.length - 1;
- if (index == 0) {
- this.data.swiper.next = 150;
- this.data.swiper.previous = 0;
- }
- if (index > 0 && index < count){
- this.data.swiper.next = 75;
- this.data.swiper.previous = 75;
- }
- if (index == count) {
- this.data.swiper.next = 0;
- this.data.swiper.previous = 150;
- }
- this.setData({ swiperIndex: index, swiper: this.data.swiper });
- clearTimeout(updateTimer);
- this.getEquity();
- },
- questionClick(){
- wx.showModal({
- title:"赠送说明",
- content: "券全部未使用时,可赠送亲友;券部分已使用,则不允许赠送;赠送后,在个人中心不再显示。",
- showCancel:false,
- confirmText:"知道了"
- })
- },
- vouche(e){
- if (e.currentTarget.dataset.status == 1){
- wx.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/growthCard/activity?vid=' + e.currentTarget.dataset.vid
- });
- }
- },
- binderror(e){
- var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
- this.data.equity.equityThree[index].logo = '/images/noimg.png';
- this.setData({ equity: this.data.equity });
- },
- onShareAppMessage: function (options) {
- let that = this, data = that.data.swiperList[that.data.swiperIndex];
- if(options.from=="button"){
- return {
- title: '送你一张冬夏令营成长卡,让宝贝去探索、去挑战、去成长!',
- path: '/pages/growthCard/give?id='+data.id,
- imageUrl: util.config.imgUrl + '/img/group_card_share.jpg'
- }
- }
- }
- })