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- const util = require('../../../utils/util.js');
- const app = getApp();
- Page({
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- id: 0,
- title: '宝贝详情'
- }, {
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- title: '商品参数'
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- that.getData();
- } else {
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- // getLocation.then(function (value) {
- that.getData();
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- equip_title: datas.title,
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- func: "v2/article/detail",
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- "aid": that.data.aid
- }
- }, function (res) {
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- // datas.content = datas.content.replace(/<img/g, "<img style='max-width:100%'");
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- // let viode = [];
- // for (let i in str) {
- // if (i < 3) {//只显示三个视频
- // let src = str[i].match(/<source src="(\S*)"/)[1];
- // viode.push(src.toString())
- // }
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- // that.setData({ viode });
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- let goodsGuarantee = [],
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- if (item.tagKey == 'goodsGuarantee') {
- goodsGuarantee.push(item)
- }
- if (item.tagKey == 'keywords') {
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- }
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- datas.keyTag.forEach(item => {
- allNum = allNum + item.tagValue.length
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- let nowNum = 0
- datas.keyTag.forEach(item => {
- if (nowNum >= middleIndex) {
- datas.keyTag2.push(item)
- } else {
- nowNum = nowNum + item.tagValue.length
- datas.keyTag1.push(item)
- }
- })
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- });
- that.getFeedbook();
- that.getContent();
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- equip_aid: that.data.aid,
- equip_title: datas.title,
- });
- } else {
- util.showTips(res.reason);
- }
- })
- },
- // 返回首页
- gohome() {
- wx.reLaunch({
- url: '/pages/home/index',
- })
- },
- // 获取富文本信息
- getContent() {
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- func: "v2/article/content",
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- },
- load: false
- }, function (res) {
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- for (let i in str) {
- if (i < 3) { //只显示三个视频
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- });
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- that.data.datas.safeTrip = that.data.datas.safeTrip.replace(/<img/g, "<img style='max-width:100%'");
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- datas: that.data.datas
- });
- }
- })
- },
- getFeedbook() { //获取评论
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- "pageIndex": 1,
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- res.data.comments[i].option = res.data.comments[i].content.match(/#([^#]+)#/g);
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- comments: res.data,
- score: res.data.score
- });
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- }
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- goPay(e) {
- let datas = this.data.datas
- wx.reportAnalytics('equip_choose', {
- equip_aid: datas.aid,
- equip_title: datas.title,
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- skuShow: true
- });
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- previewImage(e) {
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- let i = e.target.dataset.i;
- let comments = this.data.comments.comments;
- this.setData({
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- });
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- current: comments[index].imageList[i], // 当前显示图片的http链接
- urls: comments[index].imageList // 需要预览的图片http链接列表
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- toTop() {
- wx.pageScrollTo({
- scrollTop: 0,
- duration: 300
- })
- },
- chat() {
- this.setData({
- chatShow: true
- });
- },
- onShareAppMessage() {
- let that = this,
- datas = this.data.datas;
- wx.reportAnalytics('equip_share', {
- equip_aid: datas.aid,
- equip_title: datas.title,
- });
- return {
- title: datas.title,
- path: '/pages/product/goods/detail?aid=' + that.data.aid
- }
- }
- })