# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*- import numpy as np from keras.models import load_model import joblib import random def read_data(path): lines = [] with open(path) as f: for line in f.readlines()[:]: line = eval(line.strip()) lines.append(line) size = len(lines[0]) train_x=[s[:size - 2] for s in lines] train_y=[s[size-1] for s in lines] return np.array(train_x, dtype=np.float32),np.array(train_y, dtype=np.float32),lines def _score(fact,): up_right = 0 up_error = 0 # if fact[0] == 1: # up_right = up_right + 1.06 # elif fact[1] == 1: # up_error = up_error + 0.5 # up_right = up_right + 0.98 # else: # up_error = up_error + 1 # up_right = up_right + 0.93 if fact[0] == 1: up_right = up_right + 1.1 elif fact[1] == 1: up_error = up_error + 0.4 up_right = up_right + 1.03 else: up_error = up_error + 1 up_right = up_right + 0.9 return up_right,up_error def random_predict(file_path=''): test_x,test_y,lines=read_data(file_path) a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 R=0 up_num = 0 up_error = 0 up_right = 0 down_num = 0 down_error = 0 down_right = 0 score = 0 for x in test_y: xx = random.uniform(0, 3) if xx > 2: if x[0] == 1: R = R + 1 if x[0] == 1: up_right = up_right + 1 score = 3 + score elif x[1] == 1: score = 2 + score else: score = 1 + score up_num = up_num + 1 elif xx > 1 and x[1] == 1: R = R + 1 elif xx > 0 and x[2] == 1: R = R + 1 if x[0] == 1: a = a + 1 elif x[1] == 1: b = b + 1 elif x[2] == 1: c = c + 1 if up_num == 0: up_num = 1 if down_num == 0: down_num = 1 print(R/(a + b + c +d), score/up_num, up_right/up_num) def predict(file_path='', model_path='15min_dnn_seq.h5', idx=-1, row=18, col=20): test_x,test_y,lines=read_data(file_path) test_x_a = test_x[:,:row*col] test_x_a = test_x_a.reshape(test_x.shape[0], 1, row, col) # test_x_b = test_x[:, row*col:row*col+18*2] # test_x_b = test_x_b.reshape(test_x.shape[0], 18, 2, 1) test_x_c = test_x[:,row*col:] model=load_model(model_path) score = model.evaluate([test_x_c, test_x_a, ], test_y) print('MIX', score) up_num = 0 up_error = 0 up_right = 0 down_num = 0 down_error = 0 down_right = 0 i = 0 result = model.predict([test_x_c, test_x_a, ]) win_dnn = [] for r in result: fact = test_y[i] xx = random.uniform(0, 3) if idx in [-2]: if r[0] > 0.5 or r[1] > 0.5: pass else: if r[0] > 0.7: # if xx > 2: tmp_right,tmp_error = _score(fact,) up_right = tmp_right + up_right up_error = tmp_error + up_error up_num = up_num + 1 elif r[2] > 0.5: # elif xx < 2: if fact[0] == 1: down_error = down_error + 1 down_right = down_right + 1.04 elif fact[1] == 1: down_error = down_error + 0.5 down_right = down_right + 0.98 else: down_right = down_right + 0.92 down_num = down_num + 1 i = i + 1 if up_num == 0: up_num = 1 if down_num == 0: down_num = 1 print('MIX', up_right, up_num, up_right/up_num, up_error/up_num, down_right/down_num, down_error/down_num) return win_dnn,up_right/up_num,down_right/down_num if __name__ == '__main__': # predict(file_path='D:\\data\\quantization\\stock181_18d_test.log', model_path='181_18d_mix_6D_ma5_s_seq.h5') # predict(file_path='D:\\data\\quantization\\stock217_18d_train1.log', model_path='218_18d_mix_5D_ma5_s_seq.h5', row=18, col=18) # predict(file_path='D:\\data\\quantization\\stock400_18d_train1.log', model_path='400_18d_mix_5D_ma5_s_seq.h5', row=18, col=18) # predict(file_path='D:\\data\\quantization\\stock571_12d_train1.log', model_path='570_5d_mix_5D_ma5_s_seq.h5', row=5, col=31) # predict(file_path='D:\\data\\quantization\\stock6_test.log', model_path='15m_dnn_seq.h5') # multi_predict(model='15_18d') random_predict(file_path='D:\\data\\quantization\\stock578N_12d_train1.log')