# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*- import numpy as np from keras.models import load_model import joblib def read_data(path): lines = [] with open(path) as f: for line in f.readlines()[:]: line = eval(line.strip()) if line[-2][0].startswith('0') or line[-2][0].startswith('3'): lines.append(line) size = len(lines[0]) train_x=[s[:size - 2] for s in lines] train_y=[s[size-1] for s in lines] return np.array(train_x),np.array(train_y),lines def _score(fact, line): with open('dnn_predict_dmi_18d.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(str([line[-2], line[-1]]) + "\n") up_right = 0 up_error = 0 if fact[0] == 1: up_right = up_right + 1.12 elif fact[1] == 1: up_right = up_right + 1.06 elif fact[2] == 1: up_right = up_right + 1 up_error = up_error + 0.5 elif fact[3] == 1: up_error = up_error + 1 up_right = up_right + 0.94 else: up_error = up_error + 1 up_right = up_right + 0.88 return up_right,up_error def predict(file_path='', model_path='15min_dnn_seq.h5', idx=-1): test_x,test_y,lines=read_data(file_path) model=load_model(model_path) score = model.evaluate(test_x, test_y) print('DNN', score) up_num = 0 up_error = 0 up_right = 0 down_num = 0 down_error = 0 down_right = 0 i = 0 result=model.predict(test_x) win_dnn = [] for r in result: fact = test_y[i] if idx in [-2]: if r[0] > 0.5 or r[1] > 0.5: pass else: if r[0] > 0.6 or r[1] > 0.6: tmp_right,tmp_error = _score(fact, lines[i]) up_right = tmp_right + up_right up_error = tmp_error + up_error up_num = up_num + 1 elif r[3] > 0.5 or r[4] > 0.5: if fact[0] == 1: down_error = down_error + 1 down_right = down_right + 1.12 elif fact[1] == 1: down_error = down_error + 1 down_right = down_right + 1.06 elif fact[2] == 1: down_right = down_right + 1 elif fact[3] == 1: down_right = down_right + 0.94 else: down_right = down_right + 0.88 down_num = down_num + 1 i = i + 1 if up_num == 0: up_num = 1 if down_num == 0: down_num = 1 print('DNN', up_right, up_num, up_right/up_num, up_error/up_num, down_right/down_num, down_error/down_num) return win_dnn,up_right/up_num,down_right/down_num def multi_predict(model='14_18d'): r = 0; p = 0 for x in range(0, 12): # 0,2,3,4,6,8,9,10,11 # for x in [5,9,11,0,3,4,8]: #10_18,0没数据需要重新计算 [0,2,3,4,5,9,10,11] # for x in [0,1,10]: # for x in [2,4,7,10]: # 2表现最好 优秀的 0,8正确的反向指标,(9错误的反向指标 样本量太少) print(x) # for x in [0,2,5,6,7]: # 5表现最好 win_dnn, up_ratio,down_ratio = predict(file_path='D:\\data\\quantization\\kmeans\\stock' + model + '_test_' + str(x) + '.log', model_path=model + '_dnn_seq_' + str(x) + '.h5', idx=x) r = r + up_ratio p = p + down_ratio print(r, p) import pymongo from util.mongodb import get_mongo_table_instance code_table = get_mongo_table_instance('tushare_code') k_table = get_mongo_table_instance('stock_day_k') industry = ['家用电器', '元器件', 'IT设备', '汽车服务', '汽车配件', '软件服务', '互联网', '纺织', '塑料', '半导体',] def predict_today(day, model='10_18d'): lines = [] with open('D:\\data\\quantization\\stock' + model + '_' + str(day) +'.log') as f: for line in f.readlines()[:]: line = eval(line.strip()) # if line[-1][0].startswith('0') or line[-1][0].startswith('3'): lines.append(line) size = len(lines[0]) train_x=[s[:size - 1] for s in lines] np.array(train_x) estimator = joblib.load('km_dmi_18.pkl') models = [] for x in range(0, 12): models.append(load_model(model + '_dnn_seq_' + str(x) + '.h5')) x = 24 # 每条数据项数 k = 18 # 周期 for line in lines: v = line[1:x*k + 1] v = np.array(v) v = v.reshape(k, x) v = v[:,4:8] v = v.reshape(1, 4*k) # print(v) r = estimator.predict(v) # if r[0] in [1,6,10]: # train_x = np.array([line[:size - 1]]) # # result = models[r[0]].predict(train_x) # if result[0][3] > 0.5 or result[0][4] > 0.5: # stock = code_table.find_one({'ts_code':line[-1][0]}) # if stock['name'].startswith('ST') or stock['name'].startswith('N') or stock['name'].startswith('*'): # continue # if line[0] > 80: # continue # if stock['industry'] in industry: # pass # # print(line[-1], stock['name'], stock['industry'], 'sell') if r[0] in [2,5,9,10,11]: train_x = np.array([line[:size - 1]]) result = models[r[0]].predict(train_x) # print(result, line[-1]) if result[0][0] > 0.6 or result[0][1] > 0.6: if line[-1][0].startswith('688'): continue # 去掉ST stock = code_table.find_one({'ts_code':line[-1][0]}) if stock['name'].startswith('ST') or stock['name'].startswith('N') or stock['name'].startswith('*'): continue # 跌的 k_table_list = list(k_table.find({'code':line[-1][0], 'tradeDate':{'$lte':day}}).sort("tradeDate", pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(5)) if k_table_list[0]['close'] > k_table_list[-1]['close']*1.20: continue if k_table_list[0]['close'] < k_table_list[-1]['close']*0.90: continue if k_table_list[-1]['close'] > 80: continue # 指定某几个行业 # if stock['industry'] in industry: print(line[-1], stock['name'], stock['industry'], 'buy') if __name__ == '__main__': # predict(file_path='D:\\data\\quantization\\stock16_18d_test.log', model_path='16_18d_cnn_seq.h5') # predict(file_path='D:\\data\\quantization\\stock6_test.log', model_path='15m_dnn_seq.h5') multi_predict(model='16_18d') # predict_today(20200229, model='11_18d')